Visual Message Mapping


The OmqScrollingKeyedTable can be used to display messages as rows in a java Swing table. The following is sample code  for creating the visual table that will display messages received from a remote node.

Create a class derived from the TableAttribute class.

Instantiation of the table includes passing a TableAttribute to the constructor that defines the attributes of the message fields.  The following code is an example of a class derived from the TableAttribute class:
package mypackage;

import osmq.uicontrols.tables.*;
import osmq.datatypes.DataType;

public class MyTableAttrib extends TableAttrib

  public MyTableAttrib()
    try {setColumnValues();}
    catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

  private void setColumnValues() throws Exception
    // set the table attributes with 8 visible columns
    // ColumnAttrib parms are
    // 1) column title
    // 2) data type
    // 3) column width

    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("SSN",      DataType.SSN,         11));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Name",     DataType.STRING,      20));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Street",   DataType.STRING,      30));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("City",     DataType.STRING,      25));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Zip",      DataType.RIGHTALIGN,   8));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Salary",   DataType.CURRENCY,    15));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Units",    DataType.INTEGER,     12));
    addColumnAttrib(new ColumnAttrib("Date",     DataType.RIGHTALIGN,  10));

Create the visual table

Create a visual table for displaying the messages.  The contstructor takes a class that identifies the message layout for purposes of mapping it to the visual grid.
OsmqScrollingKeyedTable mytable = new OsmqScrollingKeyedTable(new MyTableAttrib());

// The messages are keyed for appends and updates

Code an onMessage(Message) function

Code the onMessage(Message) function that will be used to pass messages from the application  to the visual table  Messages will be pushed to the onMessage() function once the network reader is opened.
  public void onMessage(Message rm)
     // Make certain the message is of type DATASET
     if(rm.getFormat() != MessageFormat.DATASET)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message type is not dataset");

     // Pass the message to the visual table component  cast as an DataSetMessage,
     // where it will be mapped to the screen.  Screen mapping will
     // involve either an add or update of an existing grid row,
     // based on the value of the KEY found in the message header.
     mytable.onKeyedDataRow((DataSetMessage) rm);

Create, initialize and open a NetReader

Create a network reader server component to retrieve the messages and push them to the onMessage() function.
 // create a reader
 NetReader  reader  =  new NetReader();

 // send messages to this class's onMessage function

 // the reader is in push mode for sending message to this application

// Identify the unique service name and local listening port for the network reader

Open the reader object to begin receiving and processing message
// Start receiving messages from the network reader;