Description: osmq version 2.0.4
This download includes the OSMQ public license, the OSMQ java source code, sample source code, a jar file of OSMQ Java classes (osmq.jar) for developing and running client applications, and a binary fully functional, non-commercially licensed version of InteBroker. Note that InteBroker is licensed under a separate license that is included with the binary file.
Contains the java documentation for the public classes.
Description: pojoe component libraries
PoJoe is an outgrowth of OSMQ. The libraries are a collection
of the most useful and reusable components that were developed
for OSMQ and InteBroker, including threads, dynamic discovery,
logs, async peer-2-peer, and paging fifos.
developers guide
Description: Developer's Guide (preliminary draft)
client code
Description: Peer-to-peer client and publish-subscribe
client examples
data records
Description: Data record code snippets
Data Records are the basis of a field-oriented messages. These
code samples shows how to set and get the various values in
a DataRecord.
UI controls
Description: Virtual message mapping to a visual grid.